Stop jumping on the road to arrest vehicles – FRSC

Stop jumping on the road to arrest vehicles, FRSC warns officers

The Zonal Commanding Officer in charge of Ogun and Lagos State operations of the Federal Road Safety Corps, Mr. Samuel Obayemi, has said from January to date, the company has recorded 143 cases of assaults, harassment, knockdowns, abductions, and attacks on staff.

He said that the incident of knocking down of the FRSC operatives rose from 18 in 2018 to 60 in 2019.

“Several unfortunate incidents have claimed the lives of staff with others being injured. We have knockdowns while on duty which total 62. So far, six deaths have been recorded and 73 injured.

“So, as commanding officers, we are expected to regularly brief our officers and marshals, who go on patrol. We need to tell them on a daily basis what we expect them to do.

“Wrong position, jumping on the road to stop vehicles are some of the factors responsible for some of the knockdowns that we have recorded so far.

“Most of these negative reports that we are getting are all emanating from patrol misconducts,” the News Agency of Nigeria quotes Obayemi as saying.

He said the command is also worried over the penchant for operatives of the establishment to engage in under-hand activities while on duty.

According to the top official of the FRSC, operatives of the corps routinely engage in illegal activities, ranging from extortion, bribery, and misconduct while on duty on highways.

He said the development was rubbishing the image of the organisation once known for parading itself as an organisation where corruption is low.

The officer said the corps was also worried over reports of the increasing rate of attacks on officers while on duty.

Speaking at the FRSC Zone RS2 Fourth Quarter 2019 Retreat on “Building Capacity towards Effective Implementation of Operation Zero Tolerance”, Obayemi told commanding officers of the establishment to expose bad eggs in the company.

Obayemi, an Assistant Corps Marshal, said that exposing bad people in the FRSC was crucial for the company to move forward and achieve its set goals.

Making remarks on crime and criminality involving staff of the company, Obayemi, pleaded with officers to redeem the image of the FRSC, noting that no corrupt officer should be shielded.


Almond Productions promotes customer satisfaction

by Nike Popoola

Almond Productions Limited, promoters of the annual Insurance Consumers’ Forum, says it is committed to ensuring a platform for operators and the insuring public to promote better customer experience in the insurance industry.

A statement by the Chief Executive Officer, Almond Productions Limited, Faith Ughwode, said the ICF which started in 2013, provided a robust platform for interaction between insurance practitioners and the insuring public on issues that bothered on excellent customer service delivery.

Following the success of previous editions, she said it was ready for the 2019 edition that would hold in November in Lagos, with the theme, “Creating and sustaining positive customers experience key to insurance growth in Nigeria.”

The forum this year would be chaired by the Managing Director, WJE Integrated Resources Ltd, Mr GUS Wiggle,the firm said

She explained that the grand finale of the forum this year would be the 2019 Insurance Industry and Consumers Nite, which would take place in the evening of the same day.

“The Insurance Industry and Consumers Nite is a social platform aimed at demystifying the insurance industry and connecting with the entertainment industry to create awareness about the importance and benefits of insurance in a fun and relaxed atmosphere,” she stated.

Ughwode said the forum was bigger and better this year because of the scope of participants who were drawn from trade groups in the formal and informal sectors, federal and state government agencies and parastatals, officers from the various law enforcement agencies who had dealings with the enforcement of insurance in Nigeria.

Technology and Innovation in the Insurance Sector

Technology and Innovation in the Insurance Sector

The technology will enable insurers across the country to efficiently enable predictive analysis

Technology and Innovation in the Insurance Sector

Image credit: shutterstockRahul AgarwalChief Technology Officer of Policybazaar.comSeptember 2, 2019

As the insurance industry is evolving, so are the customers. Insurers are constantly receiving ideas from all the corners, and thanks to technology. And this is impacting our consumer behaviour. The state of the insurance sector in our country is entirely different from that in other countries. Despite constant liberalization of the current insurance industry, a major part of the population still does not believe in any insurance. This is majorly because the many challenges associated with the sector including a split ecosystem, regulatory uncertainty, and disjointed data continue to remain specific.

Innovations Help 

With the constant advancements and better use of digital tools in the last few years; most of these challenges seem to be addressed efficiently. While technologies such as Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain, and Advanced Analytics are working as promoters to enhance the importance of insurance, the insurers are working hard to create a more streamlined and integrated insurance system.

Analytics is expected to play a great part in driving the insurance industry in the coming few months. The technology will enable insurers across the country to efficiently enable predictive analysis. Insurers can leverage analytics to make predictions about a person’s probability of getting an ailment and therefore, timely suggest him to take necessary precautions. This can be done by implementing intelligent health analytics to a patient’s medical history in order to predict the future health approach. The technology can even prove positive results for deciding the best course of action, in terms of identification of most effective treatments and drugs resulting in cost-efficient treatments.

Customers Have Changed 

Today’s tech-savvy customers look for digital tools and experience from their insurer at par with what they receive from any e-commerce or any other retail industry. While talking about the insurance industry, the consumers these days’ demand digitally-oriented applications or websites that provide complete customer support. Many insurers have already started adapting digital tools to make it easier for their customers and their family members to navigate the healthcare ecosystem. Some of the powerful features of the tools include digital on-boarding, ease of selecting plans based on cost and preferences, and personalized content for better understanding of the claims.

Yet another impressive trend that the insurance industry is witnessing is the introduction of ChatBots and Voice Assistant for enhanced and meaningful customer engagement. Both these technologies are gaining quick popularity amongst the insurers as well as the consumers. The technology specifically leverages Artificial Intelligence (AI) to simulate productive conversation with its users while delivering powerful customer engagement. One of the important reasons for the introduction of ChatBots and Voice Assistant in the insurance sector is the increasing aged population that demands continued care.

Fortunately, insurance service providers in India have now started moving towards a system of the preventive model of care. The model specifically aims at providing proactive wellness initiatives to the consumers while using IOT powered devices. Moreover, there is a high demand for personalized offerings in the market as customers are quite willing to adopt proactive, customized devices from their insurance providers. The initiative would involve real-time monitoring of a customer’s parameters for timely care interventions while promoting healthier lifestyles through wellness initiatives.

What is RIFAN?

Retail Insured Family Association of Nigeria (RIFAN) is a non-profit
organisation bringing together an association of insuring public in Nigeria
with the primary objective of enhancing insurance growth in Nigeria.

Our mission is to be a trustworthy and useful information resource and an
effective voice for consumers of all types of insurance in all 36 states of
Nigeria and the Federal Capital Territory.

RIFAN was founded by a group of technocrats of high integrity which
includes lawyers, insurance professionals, financial planners, Security
Experts, construction experts, and technology experts. No insurance
companies underwrite or fund our programs.

Our members benefit tremendously from this association as they now
have a voice through which they can ensure that their insurance claims
are attended to expeditiously and are settled within the shortest possible
time frame.
The RIFAN Portal is designed to deploy cutting edge technology and
transparency in the purchase and management of insurance products and
thereby creating wealth for the nation through renewed confidence in the
purchase of insurance in Nigeria.


RIFAN Protects Consumers

From left: Coordinator of Retail Insured Family Association of Nigeria, Chief Ali Ugwu Theophilus and representative of the Inspector General of Police, P.J. Mahanan at the event.

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Legal Insurance Blog
May 15, 2015
3 Major Reasons for Consumer Protection
by Len Feltoon

Group Legal Plans Give Necessary Support

parent with child in car

People will often wonder why there is so much government presence in their lives. They may question why bureaucracy is necessary at all. There are some cases where government protection is absolutely necessary and consumer protection is one of them. An ordinary consumer has the right to a sense of security about the products and services purchased in the marketplace. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has offered consumer protection advice as a group legal plan benefit for years. We feel there are strong reasons for such support.

1.To Protect against Poor Quality

Companies rarely produce shoddy products on purpose. However, manufacturers may be tempted to use low-quality material in making certain appliances, causing them to be defective. This type of production can only be prevented if a consumer protection complaint is filed. A lawyer as part of the group legal services benefit can advise a plan member of what constitutes a legitimate complaint, and how to go about filing it. A successful complaint can cause a manufacturer to stop production.

2.To Stop Unethical Practices

The modern economy is fiercely competitive and unethical business owners will cut corners without regard to the health or safety of the consumers. Unethical practices also produce incredibly bad service

and no consumer should have to deal with it. One of the group legal services a Countrywide attorney provides is information about fraud or what constitutes a defective product. He or she educates a group legal plan member on what consumer rights they have and how redress can be best achieved. If unethical practices merit a court case being filed, Countrywide attorneys will help plan members prepare the case to go before the Small Claims court.

3. To See Consumer Justice Is Done

States have various laws protecting the consumer, which sometimes are ignored by business. One group legal services benefit that can be performed is correspondence. The Countrywide attorney can send a letter on official stationary to a business telling them of their defective product. This can cause the establishment to reimburse the plan member. The letter can also alert a store to problems with the product so that it can be taken off the shelves, removing bad merchandise so others won’t purchase it accidentally. Of course, the attorney’s assistance in filing a formal complaint with consumer protection can have a public agency step in and resolve the matter.

Countrywide Wants to Keep Consumers Safe

Defective products can be dangerous. When a plan member needs consumer protection advice the Countrywide attorney moves quickly. The right counsel is given as a necessary part of the group legal services provided, and options are explained patiently to the plan member. Delays in performing needed help will not happen. Countrywide administration is purposely designed to facilitate services being provided to an individual. A consumer who is having problems with preparing the paperwork for filing a complaint is assisted by the Countrywide attorney. A solid resolution is what ultimately happens because Countrywide provides highly effective legal assistance.

Any unethical practices and protecting a consumer are major reasons why Countrywide offers its support to plan members. We want everyone to get their money’s worth when they purchase something, and not have to worry about safety problems. The consumer protection is one of the benefit options that we provide for our group legal plan clients. However, it is part of the final plan design if it is what the organization wants. We will tailor things to meet the needs of a client, offering suggestions but not insisting that they be implemented. At the end of the day we furnish a plan document that is exactly what the organization wants. Our variety of benefit options are the best in the industry and we welcome any opportunity to explain them in greater detail to interested parties.


RIFAN Lends a Voice

From left: Lucy Nwachukwu of News Agency of Nigeria and Principal Consultant, Mike O. Onyeka & Associates, Sam Onyeka PhD. At the event.