RIFAN Works To Improve Health Insurance Literacy

Health insurance is a path to healthy life and well-being. We have launched this website to provide a repository where people can find key information about healthcare plans, like the costs of premiums and deductible limits.

But for anyone unfamiliar with how health insurance works, it can be really confusing and the time to set up that coverage is fleeting. RIFAN are part of a network of groups that work to help people get health care coverage.

“Everyone’s experience with insurance is a little bit different, and you know, there’s no classroom on how insurance works in high school. So when people become adults and need to figure it out on their own, they really haven’t ever had it explained to them or resources put in their hands where they can figure things out,” says Akin Bello, National Chairman, RIFAN.

Chief Ali, the association’s DG based in Abuja, says because of how the marketplace works, small mistakes can have a huge impact on the kind of insurance rates people can get.

“How your income is counted is one of the big ones, because your income determines the relief package. So you can go from getting a significant medical bill relief to possibly not getting one at all, just because you did not have enough knowledge on how it works,” he explains.